Hiring employees isn’t easy, and by no means will you always hire the right one. However, there are some employees that may impress you in personality, but not in credentials. These candidates are always the best to hire. Why? Because a positive, upbeat person is easier to train than a cranky person with experience. You will have more fun with a forward thinker than you will with someone who just does their job. It may seem like it will be better to hire someone who has experience and a bad personality, but it’s not; instead, create the perfect employee for you by training them from the ground up in the proper way. Here are two ways you can help a new employee – or an old one – become one that impresses you.

Exercise Patience

Patience is a virtue, even in the modern day business world. It takes new employees some time to learn the ropes and all about what is expected of them. Sometimes it can even take them some time to bond with their co-workers so that they work with them well. Give them the time that they need, and give them tons of feedback in the process. Even negative feedback, as long as it leads to productiveness, can be helpful. It can help speed up the process of learning, but your employee will still learn and grow at her or her own pace. Encourage that growth.

If you hired an employee and they just aren’t getting it, don’t axe them right away. Sometimes a well-mannered, hard working employee will do better in a different role or department. Give them different jobs and watch where they excel. They might not be an expert in a different department overnight, but if you give them time, they will likely blossom if they like what they do.

Look Beyond the Box

Rewarding an employee doesn’t always have to mean a promotion. Kind words and thank you card with small rewards are often just as effective as more money. With that in mind, sometimes employees don’t need to move upwards in a company to be happy – moving to a different position they enjoy more can be just as enjoyable for some.