Mild blog titles don’t get you any traffic. It’s unfortunate, but it’s true. You definitely don’t want to start a fight on your blog, but posting about a subject that some people disagree on may bring some heated discussions to your article. Though this may initially seem like a bad idea, it’s not always; a controlled heated discussion can bring a ton of traffic and respect to your blog. Check out the following titles and see if you can customize them to your particular audience today.

The Idiot’s Guide to (Service, Product)

This title isn’t inherently controversial, but it does establish one thing: you’re the expert, and someone else isn’t. Make sure anything you write is unoffensive and reasonably said, of course. In this particular instance, all of the flame should be in the title, and all of the polite information should be in the body.

You’re Doing it Wrong; How to Use (product, service)

As above, you don’t want to say anything particularly inflammatory in this article either; all of the flame is in the title. The idea is to lure people in with something that suggests that they have more to learn, and then to teach them something useful once they get there. A lot of the time, these types of articles are best spent teaching someone to do something properly – SEO tactics, for example – instead of teaching them something new.

Six Signs Your (Product) isn’t Worth the Money

This title will generally bring the reader into an article that discusses how to bring quality to a product that’s being sold. The focus is usually on the customer and how you, as a company, can please them with your offerings. Sometimes, however, they can get a little more controversial by telling clients why the service they signed up with (that isn’t your company’s) is discount and not worth its weight in lead. Be sure to be kind and somewhat polite – you don’t want to cause any drama between you and another company.