zzzzz1030717_people_1Learning how to respect your client just isn’t easy. There are a number of unspoken rules and regulations that, when broken, will completely destroy your chances at gaining a new customer. Fortunately, there is a ton of literature available so you will be the best salesperson you can possibly be. Looking for a few ways to show respect to a potential business partner? Read on to find out a bit more about a couple of highly effective ways to do so.

Look at the World from Your Client's Shoes

Empathy. It's one of the hardest things to master, but one of the most useful tools in a small business owner's arsenal.  Take some time and look at the world like your clients do. It's one of the best ways to understand their problems, hesitations, and challenges. Once you understand and know this information, you can work on making the client understand and notice that you are on their side, and can help them bring more to their company. Connecting with clients is a very important part of running a company.

Respect Hierarchy

If you want to get in trouble with a client, do the following: talk to their boss. When you're not happy with the progress of your sale or are frustrated with how quickly you get answers, you need to discuss it with your client...not their boss. The moment you take it to anyone other than them without permission is the moment you lose a good customer. Talk to them directly, and do it gently, no matter how frustrated you are. Often that's enough to get things going again.  When times are desperate, talk to them about talking to their supervisor. Don't just do it. This way, you’re showing your client the respect they deserve.