You’re out of ideas and you’re not sure where to get more. Your content is lacking in quality and in quantity because you just don’t know what else to write about. You chew on your metaphorical pencil and wait for an idea to come to you, but it just doesn’t. So what do you do now? Retire your blog because you can’t think of anything? Fortunately, the vast majority of people don’t have to do that, as there is always something to talk about that’s new and refreshing.
Ask Those Who Read Your Blog
If you think you’ve truly run out of topics, then you’ve probably been blogging for a very long time. There are enough topics on the Internet alone to give you months of bi-weekly material, if not more. This probably means you have a significant amount of readers, and don’t be afraid to employ them to your advantage. Ask them what they’d like to read about, or what they’d appreciate seeing in your blog. Even if you’ve already covered the topics, you can review and add more information to something they want to see more about.
Interview Someone Who Might be Able to Provide a Unique Perspective
The cool thing about asking someone for an interview for your blog is that you only have to come up with a few questions to make an entire blog. Interview an expert in your field and see if they can’t give you some unique perspective on what’s going on in the niche that you both occupy. Most people will agree to interview with you because that means they get their name out there even more as an expert. Not only do you now have a blog post that’s all ready to post, you have a fresh perspective.