Two Mistakes that Will Destroy Your Email MarketingEmail is definitely a dinosaur as far as digital marketing goes. It’s been around for over twenty years and has been very popular for about the last ten, so it’s something that has been talked to death again and again and doesn’t get talked about often these days because it’s not shiny and new.

But that doesn’t mean email marketing isn’t an effective way to engage your customers and potential audiences at the same time. It can even help you find and build leads when it’s employed correctly. However, if you do email marketing wrong, you’re in a whole lot of trouble. Here are two ways to kill your email marketing campaign before it even starts.

Neglecting to Use a Professional

Sometimes people think they’ve used email so long that they know exactly how to market through it. After all, they’re the experts at receiving emails, and they know what’s worked on them in the past. However, this usually means a business plans of sending mass messages. This causes a couple of issues, including limiting the number of people you can send an email to, and a higher likelihood of your message getting caught by a spam filter. You also have no way to track the message or to encourage people to sign up for your mailing list. Hire a professional. They’ll get it right the first time.

Sending Unsolicited Emails

You shouldn’t send emails to people who have not signed up for your list – period. It’s against the law, but people will also send your email right to the spam box where all of the other unsolicited email goes. No matter how interesting you think your company is, not everyone is going to want to receive your content. Make quality emails and seek out those who actually DO want to read what you have to say.